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Rasage et Soin de la barbe Bio

After Shave & Beard Care | Organic Skincare

Taking care of your beard can be a real challenge! You have to trim it and brush it, because yes, beard hairs can get tangled. When the beard is too long it can also hurt, scratch and dry the skin. Shaving, partial or complete, is then the only solution available to you! To avoid getting to this point, you need to pamper her every day. Using a shaving soap is a good start. And yes gentlemen, your beard gets dirty every day! Between meals, the breeze and outside pollution, it's a real nest of microbes! After washing your beard, moisturize it. With moisturizing balms or a few drops of vegetable oil. Pampering your beard helps keep it in good condition for longer. Although a little shaving from time to time doesn't hurt!

4 products


Precious Nutritive Oil 50ML - FORTIFIES & REPAIRSHuile Précieuse Nutritive - ANTI IMPERFECTIONS Kadalys
Huile Précieuse Radiance Banane Jaune Bio - KADALYS - Huiles de SoinHuile Précieuse Radiance Banane Jaune Bio - KADALYS - Huiles de Soin
Savon Surgras Le Purifiant - NETTOIE & ÉQUILIBRE KadalysUltra-rich Soap - Le Purifiant
Ultra-rich Soap - Le Purifiant Sale priceFrom 4,00 €
Peeling Exfoliant Bio - KADALYS - MusacleanExfoliating Peel 50ML - PURIFIES & UNIFIES

Why take care of your beard?

Even though it may seem trivial, you need to pay attention to your beard as you pay attention to your hair! Beautiful hair is washed and hydrated hair... Well it's the same for the beard. Every day, morning and evening, a moisturizer suitable for your skin type should be applied. First of all to nourish it but also to moisturize the hair. A hydrated beard hair is a shiny and healthy hair, without split ends. After your shave, applying a day cream or vegetable oil also helps soothe razor burn. The better you take care of your beard, the longer you can keep it healthy.

How to use after shave treatment?

No matter how often you shave, you should plan to apply treatment afterwards. The latter helps calm the burn of the razor and the product used. It will soothe the skin. It also helps moisturize the hairs. It is applied in a gentle circular motion. You can also take the opportunity to massage yourself! Massage is a gesture full of benefits for the skin. It will allow the treatment to penetrate more easily and gives you an anti-aging boost. So not to be neglected!

How to choose your natural aftershave?

Of course, we make sure to choose a natural aftershave! Vegetable oils, for example, are ideal. Jojoba oil, coconut oil or sweet almond oil can be used. They will provide good hydration to your hair and calm skin irritations. In case you don't shave your entire beard, consider castor oil! It strengthens the hair and helps it stay healthy. Depending on the texture you prefer, you can also choose after-shave creams. The main thing is to choose a natural and organic product. You are therefore sure to put aside overly irritating ingredients which will only reinforce the feeling of discomfort.

Kadalys organic precious oils to maintain your beard

Our precious oils are ideal for natural after-shave care! They can be used as shaving oil, for hydrated and soothed skin. Our two nourishing oils with a dry finish are formulated from natural ingredients and do not leave a greasy film on the skin, strengthen and coat the hair fiber. While Green Banana Nutritive Oil, rich in regulating and light-to-the-touch oils, is suitable for young skin or skin that tends to shine, we recommend our Yellow Banana Radiance Oil for dry or mature skin that needs deep lipids. The avocado and macadamia vegetable oils present in our oils are very rich in fatty acids. Yellow and green banana bio-actives, antioxidant complexes developed by our laboratories offer you anti-aging care. It's never too early to start. Subtly scented with natural fragrances to offer you a very pleasant sensory experience, the percentage of essential oils is tiny. Although they have interesting properties for the skin, essential oils can be irritating if they are present in high concentrations in a product. To calm redness and tightness after shaving, think about gentleness!

A final question arises: how to avoid pimples after shaving? Well we let you read this article to find out everything. Then you will be a beard pro!