Positive social impact
Building a Sustainable, Fair, and Inclusive Future
In a constant changing world, creating a positive social impact is essential. We believe in conducting business ethically, responsibly, and inclusively.
Our commitment to equal opportunities is reflected in concrete actions, with diversity serving as our inspiration for innovation and progress. Through three key pillars, we strive to promote equality and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world, harnessing the power of diversity to shape a brighter future.

Science mirrors humanity—our curiosity and collective will to expand possibilities. However, gender inequality remains prevalent, with less than one-third of global researchers being women, according to UNESCO’s Institute for Statistics.
We are dedicated to understanding the barriers that hinder women's advancement in science, ensuring that family decisions, financial constraints, and discrimination do not hold them back. By investing in their training, we work towards a future where innovation benefits from diverse contributions.
Learn more about the importance of women's representation in science on the UNESCO website: Les femmes et la science.

Did you know that women's education has a direct impact on reducing CO2 emissions? An educated woman can influence her community and the world at large. Investing in women's education is investing in a sustainable future.
Our unwavering commitment to supporting women's education reflects notre vision for a more equitable and sustainable future.

The Drawdown project, aimed at identifying the most effective solutions to combat climate change, highlights the crucial role of women's education in this fight. Here’s how it works:
- When women have access to quality education, they become more aware about environmental challenges, including climate change. This empowers women to access broader economic opportunities, thereby reducing the pressure to adopt carbon-intensive lifestyles.

- Educated women tend to have fewer children and space their births more effectively, contributing to slower population growth. A smaller population emits less CO2, as it consumes fewer resources and generates less waste. By supporting women's education, we directly contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and the fight against climate change. Thus, our commitment to women's education extends beyond equal opportunities; it encompasses our responsibility toward the environment.
Want to learn more?

3. Supporting the Scientific Careers of Young Antilleans: Our Vision for a Sustainable and Prosperous Future
The wealth of the West Indies extends beyond its biodiversity; it lies in the potential of its youth. By supporting the scientific careers of young Antilleans, we acknowledge the importance of fostering local expertise, which will be crucial in addressing tomorrow's environmental and economic challenges. Our goal is to highlight the talent of young Antilleans and provide them with the tools necessary to become key players in the protection and promotion of their unique environment. In doing so, we not only work towards preserving biodiversity but also towards building a strong and sustainable local economy. Enhancing local skills will create quality jobs in fields relevant to the region. This initiative aligns perfectly with our vision of a future where the Antilles are recognized not only for their natural beauty but also for their scientific excellence and leadership in sustainable development. We believe in a future where young Antilleans are the guardians of their heritage and the architects of their own prosperity. By investing in their education and supporting their ambitions, we are actively contributing to building this future.

4. A Reinvented Capitalism
Capitalism, as we know it, is often criticized for its profit-driven focus. However, we believe in an inclusive model of capitalism, where everyone has a place and a role to play. In this spirit, 100% of the banana producers in Martinique are shareholders in our company. Additionally, we are proud to partner with 100% of the producers from the French Antilles (Guadeloupe, Martinique). This approach ensures that the profits generated are fairly redistributed and that all involved are recognized for their contributions.