Our scientific committee is made up of Shirley BILLOT , our founder, and 3 personalities from the world of health and agriculture.
Its mission is to shed light on the implementation of Shirley's intuitions and vision. Make possible its sometimes new or unexpected ideas in the areas of research, development and transformation of new outlets for co-products of the Banana sector.
Its objective is to facilitate the implementation of new directions for our society to always be ahead and prepare for the future by exploring emerging scientific and technological fields that respect people and the environment.

Gérard matheron
Appointed president of CIRAD by the Council of Ministers, following Patrice Debré, now ambassador in charge of the fight against HIV-AIDS and communicable diseases. Gérard Matheron assumes this presidency within the new organizational framework of the establishment which provides for the merger of the functions of president and general director.
Agricultural engineer from the National Agronomic Institute Paris-Grignon (Ina Pg) and graduate of Paris IV University. A researcher in animal genetics, he is an exceptional research director at INRA where he spent the start of his career. He joined CIRAD in 1989 to serve as scientific director of the Livestock and Tropical Veterinary Medicine (Emvt) department. He was then president of the Cirad center in Montpellier until 2001 before taking charge of the Agropolis International association which brings together many economic development players in Montpellier. In 2004, he was charged by the Ministry of Agriculture with reorganizing the agronomic higher education center in Montpellier, which became SupAgro in 2006. Director General of CIRAD since March 1, 2006, Gérard Matheron was reappointed in the same role in 2009.
Secretary General of Agrisée. The think tank works on the conditions for the operation and development of businesses in the agricultural, agri-food and agro-industrial sectors. Independent and apolitical structure, driven by its values of humanism and progress, is committed to flexible and empowering progress, allowing actors to express their talents and potential.

Josh Ghaim
Doctor of Pharmacy – USA
20 years of the pharmaceutical industry
Founder of IGB, a start-up accelerator in the beauty and health sector.
President, Small World Brands Chief Technology Officer at Johnson & Johnson Consumer.
Responsible for the global research and development organization for the J&J group.
Vice President “Global Consumer Healthcare R&D & Global Head Franchise R&D” at J&J

Patrick Poucheret
University Doctor in Pharmacology and Pathophysiology
Ability to conduct researches
Qualified University Professor
Research team director UMR Qualisud
Health Effects of Natural Bioactives and Foods
International Conventions & Programs Manager
Recherche et développement de procédés d'extraction végétale et production d'ingrédients actifs naturels cofinancée par l’Union européenne avec le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER) et la Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique dans le cadre du Programme Opérationnel FEDER-FSE Martinique Conseil Régional 2014-2020.