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Facial Care

Le Purifiant, notre savon naturel bio, saponifié à froid

The Purifier, our natural organic soap, cold saponified

Le Purifiant, notre savon naturel bio, saponifié à froid
Les Bienfaits de la Banane

The Purifier, our natural organic soap, cold saponified

What you need to know about this new (or almost) trend that will revolutionize green beauty routines!

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Lèvres gercées : que faire ? Nos astuces pour avoir des lèvres douces et lisses cet hiver
Les Bienfaits de la Banane

Chapped lips: what to do? Our tips for soft, smooth lips this winter

Zoom in on the star of lip care made in Kadalys, the must-have natural beauty product!

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Nos conseils pour utiliser la peau de banane sur le visage
Les Bienfaits de la Banane

Our tips for using banana peel on the face

We give you all the benefits of banana peel to have a beautiful skin and we even leave you a recipe of mask with banana peel for the face!

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La banane rose : ses vertus et ses bienfaits pour la peau

The pink banana: its virtues and benefits for the skin

Today, we look at the virtues and benefits of the pink banana, and we can tell you that it has a lot of them! We explain everything about the pink banana: where does it come from? What are its nutr...

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Quels sont les bienfaits des soins à la banane sur la peau ?
Focus Ingrédients

What are the benefits of banana skin care?

Anti-aging, healing, anti-spot and natural remedy against acne, psoriasis and eczema, the banana is a superfruit with virtues still unknown! What are the benefits of banana on the face? We tell you...

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