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Article: What to do when you have dry skin on your face?

Que faire quand on a la peau du visage sèche ?

What to do when you have dry skin on your face?

Dry skin is a very common and easily identifiable skin type. It is recognized mainly because its pores are hardly visible and it is often subject to skin dryness. This skin dryness translates into skin discomfort, tightness, redness, dehydration wrinkles and rough skin in certain areas. Dry skin also tends to be dull, lackluster skin.
Often misunderstood, this type of skin can actually become comfortable again if a good beauty routine is put in place. This beauty routine should contain different steps, such as proper cleansing, moisturizing and gentle exfoliation. Together, these three steps work wonders on dry skin and can even make it glow!
So, what to do when you have dry skin? What are the differences between dry skin and dehydrated skin? How to relieve dry skin on the face? We answer all your questions in this new article!

The differences between dry and dehydrated skin

Not sure if you have dry skin or dehydrated skin? We'll tell you how to tell the difference between the two! First of all, dry skin is a type of skin. This type of skin is known for not producing enough oil at the sebaceous glands, which impacts the state of its hydrolipidic film. As a reminder, this hydrolipidic film is located at the upper level of the skin (epidermis) and is composed of sebum (fatty substance) and water. Its barrier function is essential to the skin since it protects it from external aggressions. With a deteriorated protective film, the skin is more prone to problems such as a dull complexion, small pimples or dehydration. Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, is a skin condition, which means that every skin type (dry, normal, combination or oily) can one day be dehydrated! Dehydration is mainly a lack of water on the skin's surface. This lack of moisture can also affect the skin's barrier and lead to a dull complexion, small pimples or discomfort. To alleviate this problem, simply moisturize the skin thoroughly.

The reasons behind having dry skin

Dry skin is caused by a lack of sebum on the skin's surface! In the case of dry skin, the sebaceous glands (which produce this famous fatty substance) work in slow motion, which causes a lack of oil on the skin. Without oil, the skin's protective film allows the water it contains to evaporate more easily. The epidermis is therefore lacking in fat and water, which is what we call skin dryness. In addition to being dry, uncomfortable and sometimes dull, dry skin is also sensitive skin. They redden at the slightest touch of wind or heat, feel tight after each cleaning and itch when they are not properly moisturized and nourished! To get rid of these inconveniences and regain comfort, all you have to do is adopt a special beauty routine for dry skin! At the heart of this routine: softness as well as moisturizing and nourishing care.

What beauty routine to adopt for dry facial skin?

The idea with a dry skin beauty routine is to strengthen its hydrolipidic film. To do this, the skin needs to be treated with great gentleness, just as it needs to receive a good dose of nutrition and hydration! To begin with, make sure you cleanse your skin every day. While it may seem that cleansing your skin does dry skin no favors, this is a mistake! Cleansing your skin means ridding it of all the impurities it has accumulated during the day and giving it a new look. Once your skin has been cleansed, it's time to move on to moisturizing care. As mentioned above, dry skin is lacking in oil, which means it needs a nourishing treatment. To give it the nutrition it needs, you can opt for an oil-rich serum and a cream with a larger oil phase than water phase (which means it contains more nourishing than moisturizing ingredients!). Finally, once a week, consider exfoliating your skin with a gentle scrub. Exfoliating the skin helps to remove dead skin, boost blood circulation and better oxygenate the skin.

What product to use to relieve dry skin?

To relieve sensitive skin and redness, opt for care products made of natural ingredients and why not organic. Whether in the form of a balm, moisturizing milk or oil, natural or organic products are better assimilated by dry and sensitive skin, and therefore offer it the care it expects! As for the cleansing product, we recommend that you use a gentle cleansing milk every day that contains soothing active ingredients such as sweet almond, aloe vera or avocado. Moreover, to enjoy a good skin cleansing, why not couple a make-up remover oil and a face cleanser? Famous in Asia, this double cleansing is perfect for dry skin! When it comes to moisturizing, opt for a nourishing and hydrating oil and cream. For dry skin under the eyes, a thirst-quenching mask or an eye contour treatment will be perfect! Finally, for the exfoliator, choose a product with small exfoliating grains and, if possible, soothing and nourishing active ingredients. The idea here is to cleanse the skin deeply without attacking it and over-stimulating it!

To take care of your dry skin, we also recommend avoiding very hot baths, drinking enough water during the day, and eating a diet rich in essential fatty acids.

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