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Article: Good beauty resolutions to start the year off right

Les bonnes résolutions beauté pour bien démarrer l'année

Good beauty resolutions to start the year off right

Here you are, a new year awaits you, a year full of promises and new opportunities! A new year is, for many, synonymous with good resolutions, but these are often a source of pressure and stress by focusing on health, sport or even diet. So, this year, why not turn to new beauty resolutions where the goal is simply to take care of yourself to feel better? We have brought together the main beauty resolutions for 2024, geared not only towards your external beauty, but also towards your inner well-being.


  1. A new year for a new start: it's time to take care of yourself
  2. Your new daily habits for sublimated skin
  3. Good resolutions in your bathroom

I) A new year for a new start: it's time to take care of yourself

This year is an opportunity for renewal, especially in the way you take care of yourself. It's time to transform the chore of care into a truly privileged moment of relaxation where it is a pleasure to take care of yourself by applying your beauty routine morning and evening.

In your daily life which often goes at 100 miles an hour, taking some cocooning moments is essential. Imagine, an evening where the only plan is to apply a mask to your face and enjoy some quiet time to do nothing except think about yourself. These moments are precious for reconnecting with yourself, far from the stress and madness of everyday life. They contribute to your overall well-being by helping you feel more centered and balanced.

Good beauty resolution: take care of yourself

Beauty routines should therefore not be neglected. A regular skin care ritual, which follows all the steps from makeup removal to hydration or nutrition, depending on your needs, greatly contributes to your health. In 2024, take the time to pamper your skin, by adopting a quick but effective routine. If you don't know where to start to create your new ritual, discover our article which explains in detail the benefits and essentials of a routine, it's right here.

II) Your new daily habits for sublimated skin

The secret to beautiful skin lies in the small habits you put in place every day. This isn't a complicated ritual that takes hours every week. This is not our goal. We have opted for simple actions that have a long-term impact.

The first resolution is to change your pillowcase at least once a week, to avoid the proliferation of bacteria which then settles on your skin during the night. We also advise you to choose silk pillowcases because they are gentler on the skin and hair, which reduces friction and therefore the risk of irritation and hair damage.

Regarding makeup brushes, they are your allies for more beautiful looks than the next, but they can also become a breeding ground for bacteria if they are not cleaned regularly. Weekly cleansing is essential to maintain the health of your skin and prevent small imperfections from appearing.

Good beauty resolution: Wash your brushes

For our third tip, you probably know this, but sleep is another fundamental pillar for having beautiful skin. In fact, while you sleep at night, your skin regenerates and repairs itself more intensely than during the day. It is therefore essential to ensure that you get enough sleep each night to maintain healthy, glowing skin. We therefore advise you to sleep between 7 and 8 hours per night .

Finally, internal hydration is just as crucial as external hydration. Drinking enough water every day helps your skin stay hydrated, glowing and healthy. Good hydration, a minimum of 1.5 liters of water per day, also promotes the elimination of toxins, which is beneficial for your entire body. So it’s a simple gesture but one that will make a difference.

III) Good resolutions in your bathroom

Have you not yet dared to take the plunge into committed cosmetics? This new year is an opportunity to adopt natural and environmentally friendly cosmetics . Equip your bathroom with treatments that are gentle on the skin while being beneficial for the planet.
Kadalys is the first eco-conscious & organic brand with a global expert in banana science. Our Bio Actives are produced from the upcycling of bananas removed from distribution circuits to combat food waste. We are committed to reduce our environmental impact as much as possible, from the composition of our products to their packaging. If you would like to learn more about our commitments, go to the “Why Kadalys?” section. Natural beauty is within your reach for this new year.

It's time to focus on the essential products and practices to start the year off right. Our simple but very important good resolution is to double cleanse every evening without exception. It is an effective method to ensure that your skin is perfectly clean and free of any impurities. This involves starting with an oil-based makeup remover to remove makeup and soluble impurities in an oil phase, followed by a water-based cleanser to remove all other dirt. For more details on this method and its benefits, find our article right here. It is the ideal solution for skin that is completely clean and ready to receive care.

Another key step is protecting your skin against external aggressions. On the one hand, protect yourself from the sun's rays, even in winter, thanks to the daily application of an SPF treatment that protects against UVA and UVB. On the other hand, you must protect yourself against blue lights emanating from screens. To do this, apply our Anti-Blue Light Shield Cream which strengthens the skin's protective barrier to protect it against damage caused by blue light from screens while intensely hydrating it.

Good beauty resolution: Protect your skin

Finally, instituting a weekly beauty ritual to reset is also an excellent resolution. It's about expanding your routine once a week, to have more intense care. It starts with exfoliation. For the body, opt for our Exfoliating Shower Gel which cleanses and eliminates dead cells in a single gesture. For the face, nothing better than our Exfoliating Peel which gently removes impurities and dead skin to smooth your skin texture and prepare it to receive treatments.

Continue your body care with our SOS Nourishing Body Lotion which provides comfort and softness to the skin all year round. Regarding the face, opt for our trio of masks to be sure to meet all the specific needs of your skin. To do this, apply our “Banana Detox” Pore Clearing Mask to the oily parts of your face such as the T zone. Then apply the “Sweet Banana” Soothing Mask to sensitive areas, prone to redness and where you feel tightness. And finally, apply the “Banana Shake” Healthy Glow Mask to dull areas lacking radiance for a guaranteed healthy glow effect. These rituals transform your bathroom into a personal mini-spa, offering a moment of relaxation and care for your skin and mind.

You now have all the keys in hand but don't forget that the most important thing is to be in harmony with yourself, without putting pressure on yourself. The goal of our resolutions is to help you become a better version of yourself but by taking your time. So don't be too hard on yourself and listen to yourself. Welcome to your best beauty year ever!

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