What is clean beauty ?
Have you ever heard of "clean beauty"? No wonder, this new consumer trend has been gaining more and more momentum in recent years!
But then, concretely :
- What is clean beauty ?
- How to identify cosmetic products that are part of this movement?
- What guarantees do we have with a clean product?
- Is there a difference between clean beauty, organic cosmetics and natural cosmetics?
We explain everything you need to know about clean beauty in this new article!
What is clean beauty? 🌿
It's hard to give an exact definition of clean beauty, for the simple reason that there is no official charter or label yet! Therefore, whether at the national, European or even global level, nobody interprets clean cosmetics in the same way. In the United States, for example, clean beauty mainly takes into account the cosmetic ingredients used, but very little the environmental impact of the product (origin of ingredients, product packaging, etc.). On the other hand, in France, the brands that offer clean cosmetics tend to take into account their composition, but also their environmental aspect! The best way to find out? Find out about the brands before buying so-called "clean" beauty products from them.
What we can say for the moment is that clean beauty is a new philosophy of life. The idea? To adopt a more responsible way of consumption. For that, the brands are committed for the Men, for the nature, but also for the animals!
Gone are the products formulated with endocrine disruptors, petrochemical ingredients (kerosene, mineral oils) and polluting ingredients (silicone, chemical UV filters, paraben, sulfates, etc.).
Gone are the days of plastic packaging; brands prefer eco-designed packaging (recycled, recyclable, biodegradable and even compostable). No more animal testing and slave-like working conditions. Finally, if we had to give a definition of clean beauty today, it would be something like :
- A clean composition and efficient care: organic and more natural products, shorter list of ingredients, active ingredients useful to the skin and not dangerous for health.
- An ethical and eco-responsible approach: respectful working conditions, eco-designed packaging, products not tested on animals and honest and transparent communication.
Origin of clean beauty 🌿
Put forward for a few years by cosmetics, clean beauty actually arrived via a completely different sector: food! Indeed, the many food and health scandals known in recent years have made consumers aware that what they ingest was potentially toxic for them.
From this distrust for food was born a distrust for cosmetic products. What is really being applied to the skin and hair? Consumers became more fussy (and we understand them!) about the composition of the products they used.
From this was born an ecological conscience:
- Where does my product come from?
- How is it made?
Then an awareness of animal welfare:
- Is my product tested on animals?
- Does it contain ingredients derived from animals?
All these questions have motivated cosmetics companies to be more transparent about the products they market and to make real efforts to convince consumers!
Today, clean beauty is still at the center of many people's purchases and it also extends to other areas: textiles, cleaning products, pet food, but also sanitary protection.
Difference between organic and natural cosmetics 🌿
Two types of products are highly represented in the clean beauty:
- organic cosmetic products
- natural cosmetic products
But then, what is the difference between organic and natural?
Assume that an organic cosmetic contains a minimum of ingredients of natural origin and that among these ingredients, there must be a certain amount from organic farming. As for natural cosmetics, they must contain a certain percentage of ingredients of natural origin. If you would like more information on this subject, we invite you to visit the websites of the various cosmetic labels!
For example, for Cosmébio, an organic product (certified Cosmos Organic) must contain at least 95% of ingredients of natural origin and 10 to 20% of these ingredients must be organic. Still for Cosmébio, a natural product (certified Cosmos Natural) must contain at least 95% of ingredients of natural origin! These percentages may vary from one label to another.
What is certain is that an organic cosmetic emphasizes the natural and organic character of a product, while a natural cosmetic emphasizes the naturalness of these ingredients.
Why choose clean beauty? 🌿
Moving towards a more responsible, "greener", "cleaner" and more natural beauty allows you to use safer skincare for your skin, but also for the planet.
Clean beauty is indeed a movement that takes into account the design of a product from A to Z. From the composition (choice of active ingredients, origin of ingredients, use or not of synthetic ingredients), to its end of life (pollution generated, recyclable packaging), through its creation (manufacturing with green chemistry, a chemistry that is more respectful of the environment) and its marketing (clear ingredient list, honesty and transparency)!
Putting a foot in clean beauty means doing good to your skin, with a more adapted and natural routine, while taking care of the environment and animals.
⚠️ Beware, some brands (not clean at all!) try to ride the wave of clean beauty... We advise you not to be fooled by green packaging on which you can see aloe vera leaves or pieces of cucumber, because in reality, when you look at the composition of the product, there is not much natural! In order not to fall into "clean-washing" or "greenwashing", we recommend you to :
- Read the labels. We know it's not easy, because the ingredients are written in English and Latin! If you don't have the desire or the time to learn how to decipher the INCI lists, use applications.
- Look for cosmetic labels (organic, vegan or natural) like Cosmos Organic, Cosmos Natural, NaTrue, Cruelty Free & Vegan, etc.
- Choose products with short ingredient lists.
- Favour products without colouring agents and perfumes. Don't worry, a product can have a pleasant smell without being full of fragrance!
- Choose refillable products or those with little packaging or recyclable packaging.
Lehttps://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0330/1539/8536/files/clean5_480x480.jpg?v=1658479975arn about the values of your favorite brands before you buy.
Transparency on the components
The secret of clean beauty? To allow you to finally understand what makes up your facial cleanser, your body cream or your mascara! The "clean" products are indeed very concerned about the transparency of their composition: nothing is hidden, everything is said and in an honest way!
For example, in a product that contains water, we must find preservatives to keep the formula safe for the skin. Except that preservatives often have a bad reputation... A brand that is part of the clean beauty movement should not hide the presence of this ingredient, but rather explain its choices and the usefulness of the component for the formula!
An eco-responsible thought
Clean beauty also advocates strong environmental and societal values: products with a lower carbon footprint, fairer working conditions and remuneration, better thought-out packaging... Nothing is left to chance!
Once again, since no charter is binding, each brand or retailer can more or less embellish the reality of things. If you really want to consume more responsibly and respectfully, take the time to get information before buying. There is no shortage of committed brands and that's great!
An assurance on the safety of the skin
Natural, organic ingredients and a shorter composition mean skin safety! Although in France the legislation is quite strict, more than 1,300 ingredients are banned in cosmetics for suspected toxicity, some others slip through the net.
True clean beauty is therefore a guarantee of safety for people who wish to avoid potentially allergenic ingredients or those perceived as endocrine disruptors.
Clean Beauty at Kadalys: clean, organic, natural, upcycled, cruelty free... ♻️
At Kadalys, we take clean beauty seriously! Since 2012, we have been offering eco-responsible cosmetics with natural, organic, vegan, made in France and upcycled skincare. Why upcycled? Because all of our Kadalys skincare products are formulated with damaged bananas from Martinique and Guadeloupe, which are considered imperfect to be sold!
On top of that, our organic beauty products for face and body are Cosmos certified by Ecocert and One Voice. These two labels are a guarantee of quality for our customers! Not to mention that 100% of our packaging is eco-designed and therefore recyclable.
Finally, every year, we put on sale at reduced prices our "imperfect products": cosmetics whose formula is good, but whose packagings are badly printed or whose weight is higher or lower than the announced weight!
So, ready to fall for true clean beauty with Kadalys 🍌🌿