Our advice to make deep wrinkles disappear
The appearance of wrinkles on the skin of the face is gradual. From the age of 25, it is already recommended to implement anti-aging care to help the skin stay toned. Between the ages of 30 and 40, the aging process of cells is accelerated and you have to start using straightening creams. After 40 years, expression wrinkles are often well established and we can start lifting creams! A healthy lifestyle, with restful sleep, a good intake of water and a good diet are also factors that help the skin to stay healthy. Despite all this, wrinkles can settle in and stay ... Today we are explaining to you what deep wrinkles are and how to make them disappear!
We explain everything about deep wrinkles
Wrinkles are the result of aging skin and a lack of hydration. As the years go by, cell renewal is slower and so does collagen production. Wrinkles also depend on our genetic capital and our lifestyle! People who drink little water, who don't hydrate their skin, who don't protect themselves from the sun, and who smoke are more likely to develop younger wrinkles. The first wrinkles form in the places most exposed to the sun: face, neck and décolleté. As for deep wrinkles, they are expression wrinkles! They are located between the two eyes (the famous lion's wrinkle), on the forehead and around the eyes. Those found in the mouth are also deep wrinkles called "bitterness lines" or "bitterness folds"! They are nicknamed that because they give the impression of an inverted smile and are often hated by people who have them.
How do wrinkles form?
The appearance of wrinkles is due to various factors:
a lack of hydration which leads to dry skin. The skin is less protected and therefore more subject to external aggressions (pollution, sun, etc.). Different studies have shown that oily skin sees their wrinkles appear later because they are naturally hydrated and protected by the sebum they produce!
lack of sleep, hydration (water) and sun protection.
skin aging. It starts at 25 years old, and yes, it is quite early!
stress, tobacco and genetics.
What facials should you use to reduce deep wrinkles?
To reduce your wrinkles, we advise you to use targeted treatments. As soon as the first aging wrinkles appear, apply our organic smoothing creams. The active ingredients in our moisturizers will smooth the skin and fine lines, refine the skin texture and stimulate cell renewal. Our treatments also contain hyaluronic acid, an active ingredient that holds 1000 times its weight in water! Hydration and protection guaranteed. If despite the prevention your wrinkles are installed, we advise you to regularly massage your skin to increase collagen production. Maintaining good collagen levels is part of a good anti-wrinkle treatment routine because it is responsible for the elasticity and tone of the skin! You can massage yourself with a jade roller or with your hands. Pair this with a skin care oil rich in antioxidants such as pomegranate oil or Marula oil.
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Which ritual to adopt on a daily basis to limit the development of wrinkles?
Find a skincare routine that suits you! Take the time to hydrate yourself daily, with our organic anti-wrinkle treatments, they are rich in plant active ingredients that will keep your skin hydrated and firmed. Do not hesitate to add the organic lifting serum which has a lifting, anti-aging action and which helps reduce pigment spots (one of the other joys of passing time!). This serum is also a perfect base for massaging the face in the morning and evening. The best anti-wrinkle treatments are the ones you will enjoy using and if they persist we leave you with our natural wrinkle reduction tips!
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