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Article: Our tips for a perfect tan

Nos-Astuces-Pour-un-Bronzage-Parfait KADALYS

Our tips for a perfect tan

Many of us look forward to summer to have a more tanned complexion and luminous skin. But do you know what's really behind the tan ? Discover the secrets of the process to better understand it and thus guarantee yourself a healthy and even tan for this summer.


  1. What is tanning?
  2. What are the tips to follow before tanning sessions?
  3. What are the best practices while tanning?
  4. How to prolong and enhance your tan after exposure?

What is tanning ?

How does melanin influence tanning?

Melanin is a natural pigment produced by skin cells called melanocytes. When the skin is exposed to UV rays from the sun, these cells increase the production of melanin, which absorbs and dissipates UV rays to protect skin cells. This process gives the skin a darker color, known as a tan.

The amount of melanin produced varies between individuals. People with naturally darker skin generally have more melanin and tan faster and more evenly. On the other hand, those with lighter skin produce less melanin and are more likely to burn before tanning.

What are the factors that affect tanning?

Several factors influence the skin's ability to tan, and it is crucial to understand them for optimal and safe tanning.

  • Skin Tone : As mentioned previously, darker skin tones contain more melanin and tan more easily than lighter skin tones.
  • Duration of exposure : Gradual and controlled exposure to the sun is recommended to avoid sunburn and allow the skin to produce melanin effectively.
  • Sun protection : Using a sunscreen with an appropriate protection factor prevents damage while allowing you to tan peacefully.
  • Hydration : Well hydrated skin is more resilient and therefore tans more evenly. Drinking enough water every day and using appropriate moisturizers is essential.

What are the tips to follow before tanning sessions?

Preparing before tanning is an essential step in achieving an even tan that lasts while protecting the health of the skin. Here are some practical tips for properly preparing your skin before exposure to the sun.

Exfoliate your skin before tanning

Exfoliating the skin is a crucial step before tanning. Dead cells on the skin's surface prevent UV rays from being distributed evenly, which can lead to spots or an uneven tan. Exfoliating your skin helps eliminate these cells to obtain a more regular and lasting tan.

For a gentle and effective body scrub, use our Kadalys Exfoliating Shower Gel. Its 2-in-1 action cleanses and exfoliates your skin in a single gesture. It gently prepares the skin by eliminating impurities and dead cells, while leaving a delicious Banana-Coconut scent.

Food supplements to help activate the tan

In addition to external care, certain dietary supplements can also promote a healthy, glowing tan. You can find these supplements in specialized stores or pharmacies. They are often rich in beta-carotene, vitamins and antioxidants , which prepare the skin for sun exposure and stimulate melanin production .

Food supplements to help activate the tan

You can also activate your tan by eating more foods that directly contain these nutrients:

  • Beta-carotene : Found in carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach, it helps stimulate melanin production, promoting faster tanning.
  • Vitamin E : A powerful antioxidant that protects skin cells against UV damage. It is found in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.
  • Vitamin C : Contributes to overall skin health and collagen production, essential for glowing skin. It is found in citrus fruits, strawberries and peppers.

By following these tips, you can not only improve the quality of your tan, but also protect your skin and make your tan last longer.

What are the best practices while tanning?

Basking in the sun and getting a nice tan is fun, but it's crucial to do it safely and smartly. Here are some practical tips for achieving optimal results.

Why is it essential to protect yourself with sunscreen?

Using sunscreen is absolutely necessary during any exposure to the sun. The sun's UV rays can cause significant damage to the skin, ranging from sunburn, age spots, aging of the skin and in the worst cases more serious diseases such as skin cancer. Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen does not prevent you from tanning . With an appropriate sun protection factor (SPF), it prevents the harmful effects of the sun while allowing you to tan gradually for a tanned complexion that lasts over time.

To do this, apply an SPF 50 sunscreen from the first rays of the sun, then SPF 30 over your entire body and face. The cream should be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming or heavy sweating. It is also essential to limit the time of exposure to the sun, especially between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m., when UV rays are most intense.

How to maintain good hydration while tanning?

Hydration is also a key component when tanning. Well-hydrated skin will not only tan better, but will also be less likely to peel or become dry and irritated.

Here are some tips for maintaining good hydration during the period of sun exposure:

  • Drink plenty of water : It is crucial to stay hydrated from the inside out. Drinking enough water throughout the day helps maintain skin elasticity and health.
  • Use suitable moisturizers : Apply our SOS Nourishing Body Lotion during your period of sun exposure to restore lost moisture and soothe the skin. Its intense nutrition regenerates the skin and rebuilds its protective film. This guarantees the softness and elasticity of the skin throughout exposure.
  • Take cool showers : Hot water can dry out the skin. Opt for cool showers to soothe and hydrate the skin after being in the sun.
  • Avoid harsh soaps : Use gentle cleansers to avoid stripping your skin of its natural oils.

Including these practices in your tanning routine helps maintain healthy, glowing skin.

How to maintain good hydration while tanning?

How to prolong and enhance your tan after exposure?

Prolonging and enhancing your tan after exposure to the sun requires specific care and a few simple tips. Here's how to take care of your skin to maintain a tanned complexion for longer.

What are the post-tanning treatments to prolong and enhance your tan?

After a day in the sun, it is crucial to take care of your skin to maintain and prolong your tan. Post-tanning treatments help hydrate, soothe and repair the skin, while accentuating the tan obtained.

A post-tanning routine should include:

  • Using an illuminating after-sun : After-suns are specially formulated to calm and refresh the skin after exposure to the sun. This is the case of our After-Sun Shimmer Jelly Lotion, which, thanks to Aloe Vera, soothes skin heated by UV rays. For its part, our Bio-Active Yellow Banana and Muscat Rose Oil intensely nourish it for effective repair and a tan that lasts. The icing on the cake, its subtle shimmering pearls give extra shine to your tanned complexion to enhance it.
Prolong and enhance your tan
  • Avoid exfoliating too frequently : Although exfoliation is important before tanning, it should be moderate afterward so as not to remove the layers of tanned skin too quickly. Gentle exfoliation once a week is enough to avoid the accumulation of dead cells without altering the tan.
  • Wear light-colored clothing : Light-colored clothing can accentuate the appearance of your tan, making it more pronounced and glowing.
  • Use a self-tanner : To prolong the tan evenly, you can use a self-tanner. Choose a moisturizing formula to avoid drying out the skin and apply the product evenly to avoid spots.

Tanning is therefore a complex mechanism influenced by melanin, your skin tone, and various other factors. However, by adopting a balanced approach and using the right treatments, it is possible to tan while protecting your skin. Thanks to our guide, say hello to a sublime tan while enjoying summer safely.

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